
Dumb-bell Tag
_5 to 30 or more players._ _Gymnasium; playground; schoo...

Cat And Mouse
All players form a ring, joining hands, except one called the...

Lincoln's Birthday
At dinners, parties and entertainments given on February 12...

Doves, which are happier when kept in pairs, require the same...

Graded Games For Schools And Community Recreation
The Indoor Recreation Work is given in the form of plays an...

Guilty Or Innocent?
One of the company gets himself up to represent the old man o...

Last Couple Out
This is an old Swedish game and one which can still be played...

Hunt The Fox
_20 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium._ ...

Sixth Grade

Center Base
One player takes his place in the center, holding a bean bag or ball. The other players form a ring around him, standing a little apart from each other. The object of the game is for the center player to return to ...

The Flying Ball
The players stand in a circle facing the center, some distance apart. One player called the "center" stands within the circle. A basketball is thrown from one player to another, across the circle, or may be passed ...

Guess Who
Two files, A and B, stand on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. One player of file A stands in the center of the room facing his file. A hollow rubber ball or tennis ball is passed to anyone in file B, ...

Beetle Goes Around
The players form a circle, facing inward, with hands behind body. One player who carries in his hand a towel knotted at one end walks outside the circle. After walking or running a short distance, saying "Beetle is...

Hawk And Hen
A file of ten or twelve players, so-called "hens," stand in line behind each other, hands on shoulders of player in front. The first player raises her arms shoulder high to protect those behind her. One player, the...

One player, called the Bogey-Man, stands on one goal. All the other players stand on the goal opposite. The Bogey-man runs out and calls "Are you afraid of the Bogey-Man?" at which the other players run forward tow...

Day And Night
The players are divided into two teams formed in two lines about three feet apart, facing in opposite directions. Goal ______________________________ ...

Boundary Ball
The players are arranged as shown in figure. The length of the space is about thirty paces, "a--a" being the outer boundaries and "b" a center line. The two parties stand about ten paces from the center line. A mem...

French Blind Man's Buff
A player blindfolded and furnished with a wand stands in the center of the room. The other players join hands and walk or hop around him until he signals them to stop, by tapping the floor with his wand. He points ...

Bull In The Ring
The players join hands and form a circle. One is chosen bull and wanders about in the inside, testing the circle in an effort to get out. If he breaks through and escapes the keepers chase him. The one catching him...

Call Ball
A basketball is needed for this game. The players, 10 to 30, are numbered and form a circle, one of the players standing in the center. The object is to catch the ball before the second bounce, when one number has ...

Arch Goal Ball
Basketball and basket goal are necessary equipment. The players (8 to 10 on a team) are divided into seven groups and line up in a single file in two or more lines, facing a basketball goal. Each line has a basketb...